Tuesday, 28 July 2009


Hello there.

Firstly, I've just seen a fox snooping about in the garden. That's really nothing surprising, we suspect that there might be a family of them living in the shed. This is because a) they're in the garden all the time, and b) the shed door is fucked. Like, utterly fucked. I wouldn't even really call it a door any more. Not with any confidence, anyway. It's more like a selection of planks that are slightly more arranged and structured than the word 'pile' would describe.

Secondly, I had sardines for the first time in years today. I couldn't remember whether I liked them or not, so I decided to have some for lunch. They were pretty good. I was slightly put off by the small bits of spine hanging around, but I got over it. "What kind of man," I thought to myself, "would I be," I thought to myself, "if I can't eat a few fish vertebrae."

Right, now that that's all out of the way, I'll get somewhere closer to a point. Let's try and explain this blog. Seems like most everyone has got themselves a blog nowadays. Not to be one to miss out on any computer-based craze, I have decided to write one too (albeit maybe a little later than most people). Although this post may suggest differently, it will not mostly be about garden wildlife and my dietary experiments. Hopefully it will be an outlet for my opinions (or as I like to think of them, 'facts') on music and media. Now, knowing me, this could take the form of album/film/programme/art/software reviews, opinionated statements, character assassination or absolutely nothing because I forget about it/can't be bothered. Time will tell.

Any no one will read it anyway.

First 'proper' post will be up soon, possibly about Mos Def's new album. Or maybe the Birdy Song.



Soul Girls said...

Looks as if I'm the first person to leave a comment on the first post of your first blog. Typical me! I shall be reading and commenting avidly, potentially to such an extent that if you fall ill (god forbid) or need to go away on a long holiday (don't leave me) I will be able to take the reigns of this illustrious web beast and continue in your abscense. "Today I listened to Radiohead and played Donkey Kong" that kind of thing. In the meantime, I would like to say thus;
1. Sardine spines are ace.
b) Go and fix the shed door with your manly tools and arms.
III You're awesome.

Charlie said...

a not entirely fruitless read.

Dan said...

"Things," as D:Ream so eloquently put it, "can only get better."

Hopefully they already have with the Mos Def post. More tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

Dan, I like your blog as much as I like Richard Bacon, manny Eboue and the 'straw' guy in the rabbit hole combined.

P.s When does a door stop being a door?

Dan said...

When it's ajar!

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